Monday, September 15, 2008


Who is involved?

little babies the parents of the babies and the people that like yea take em!!!!!

Who does/did the situation affect?

the kids and parents and yes!!!!!

Who said so?

the article!!!!!!


What is happening?

people are like yea taking babies and yea!!!!!

What did happen?

not much they can do but yea if they catch them they can go to


What are the consequences?

prison and possible parole!!!!!

What is different about this?

What are the choices?.

don't do it or get sent to prison!!!!!


When did or will this happen?

1983-1992 1993-2006!!!!!

When was this discovered?

1983-1992 1993-2006!!!!!


Where did or will this happen?

lubbuck ,texas!!!!!


Why did this happen or will it happen?

kcuz like yea people are rude and like do rude sad things like that


How did it or will it happen?

sometimes when you like yea go to the hostipol and like yea some people pretend to be nurses and like yea the run off with your kid and yea thats not nice but they do it anywayz and like yea!!!!!

if you take a kid you will go to prison and like yea!!!!!

How much does it cost?

it cost a mom with a lot of pain and i kid growning up to find out what happened and the lady that did the horrible thing will have to pay most of her like in prison for such horrible thing the she did!!!!!!!!

How many people does this affect?

like alot like the kid and the parents and their familes and like the world well yea and me kcuz i think that is like so rude and makes me wonder if i have a kid will someone try to take it and if like yea if i can trust any one now!!!!!

How do you feel about this?

it makes me wonder alot and like yea it hurts to know that people would actually think about taking a kid thats not yours and the reason for it i mean like gosh thats rude!!!!!

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