Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Journalism Internet Scavenger Hunt

What individual is responsible for writing the First Amendment?
james madison

List five facts about the First Amendment.
1. it wasn't in the consitution from the start
2. the idea came from the english bill of rights
3. it protects all citizens
4. some states wouldn't sign the consitution without it
5. it's all the top of the consitution

What document lists the First Amendment?
the consitution

How many words are in the First Amendment?
45 words

Define libel.
the act or crime of pubishing it

Define slander.
a false statement in a paper

What is the Pulitzer Prize?
the highest honor in journalism

How much money does an individual win?

Name the movie which reveals the press's role in uncovering a story that forced a president to resign.
forst nickson

Who is Mike Barnicle?
was a newspaper writer

From what newspaper was he fired and why?
for plagogrism

Identify each of the following journalists and why they are famous.

Bob Woodward
assistant managing editor

William Randolph Hearst?
a american newpaper magnate

Helen Thomas
was a news sever and columnist

Who is Tom Brokaw and what books did he write?
journalist and arthur
: the greastest generation
: an album of memories

Who is Alan Diaz and why is he noteworthy?
he took a unforgetable photograph

What motto does The New York Times print in its upper left corner?
"all the news, thats what we print"

What is The Associated Press?
the essential global news network

What is Gannett?
its a company

What is Knight Ridder?
an american media company

What is The Freedom Forum?
free press and speech for all peoples

What is the American Society of Newspaper Editors?
a organation that hires editers

Who is the founder of USA Today and where is he from (provide city and state)?
al neutharth he is from eurka south dakota

How many newspapers does our school library carry?

What is the difference between a publisher and an editor?
publisher: is the one that decides wether the book is good or not
editor: is the one that goes over the text

Define yellow journalism.
eye catching headlines on like newspapers

Define censorship.
a way to express a figure of speech

List five books that have been censored.
: one book that has been censored is the bible
: a book called bloodline written by sidney sheldon
: carrie by stephen king
: catcher in the rye by jd salinger
: the color purple by alice walker

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